2014.01.19.02 Old Testament versus New Testament Created by James on 1/5/2019 9:56:07 AM The so-called New Testament is a continuous historical progression from the socalled Old Testament, there is, in fact, NO division, there is one continuous stream of history relating to the relationship of men and women with the Almighty, there is serious error associated with thinking relating to the New Testament
Old Testament versus New Testament
There are NUMEROUS false teachings based on the so-called "New Testament" being different to the "Old Testament"
MOST of these are false
There is ONLY one progression of life on earth and relationship with Yah
The flood came about because men were falling into gross sin
The Temple Service was given through Moshe {Moses} because people were falling even further away from Yah and sinning even more
Yahooshua came because the Priesthood had become corrupt and people had fallen even deeper into sin and Yah needed to find a way for the isolated few who WERE seeking to serve Him to receive forgiveness and to give them more power to deal with the ever increasing flood of evil and increasing number of ancestor spirits {demons on the earth
The latest era, from the time that Satan was locked away in the Pit for a thousand years, has brought us to a point where Yah is NO LONGER legally permitted to intervene in the ways He had done in the past and He is now TOTALLY CONSTRAINED to work through humans
Thus, while Yahooshua DID introduce a NEW and better covenant it was one of MANY MANY covenants between Yah and men and it simply opened the way for an isolated individual to serve Yah, receive forgiveness, take authority over demons and have an example that it WAS possible to live after sin
Beyond this Yahooshua restored teachings and principles that had been lost and elaborated on teachings that had NOT been necessary for earlier LESS corrupt generations
The purpose of this website is similar, restore lost truths and present new information that is important to THIS generations
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2011.12.07 - New Testament? No No No
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I continue to encounter people who are completely misled by the whole concept of "New Testament"
There really is NO SUCH THING as "New Testament" -- there is one continuum of Yah's interaction with humans from Adam to the present day
Yahooshua was JUST one more prophet in a long line of mighty prophets including Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Israel, Moshe, David, etc, etc and continuing on to Mohammed through to prophets today such as Joyner
Yahooshua DID usher in some important developments but much of what is attributed to him and to the "New Testament" is Satanically inspired mumbo jumbo
Please be very careful about what you believe, particularly where you have been taught it in the context of God, the LORD, Jesus, Sunday sabbath, cross, bible, new testament, etc
Just because Yah has spoken to you or through you or to another person or through that person does NOT mean they have all truth, we MUST discern, ask for guidance, question, pray for judgment in our lives, etc
If someone is not consistently praying "judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more faithfully and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it" you need to be very cautious of believing what they say or write
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace

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