2014.01.19.03 The WORD is Semantic Nonsense Created by James on 1/5/2019 10:03:21 AM The use of the designation "The WORD" to describe the Bible and / or Yahooshua {Jesus} is false and foolish. The Bible is NOT the "living word of God" or anything that even vaguely approximates that and Yahooshua is NOT the Word of God either, he was and is entirely human
"The WORD" is Semantic Nonsense
There is widespread usage that refers to the Bible as "The Word of God" or simply "The WORD"
Yah says that all of this is "semantic nonsense" and without foundation
The fact that people have "heard" Yah use this language relates to the fact that our spirits translate the spiritual impulses we receive from Yah and assign those impulses to words we understand, thus where someone has repeatedly heard the impulse for "bible" expressed as "my word" that is what it SEEMS that Yah is saying
Because of the Rules of Engagement Yah is NOT permitted to correct this error UNLESS we ask for correction and then Yah has GREAT difficulty in getting the message through because the translation in our heads is embedded with that association
In my case Yah had to tell me to obtain and read the Quran and NOT ask any questions until I got to the end, the Quran repeatedly states that the Bible is simply a collection of writings and contains error and that it is grievous sin to worship it -- at the end I asked Yah if this was really so and He said "yes" -- I am NOT sure that I would have heard Him otherwise
Note that Quran is more highly anointed than the Bible and contains a lot of truth so it is advisable to read it at least once BUT be aware that the prophet Mohammed was from the line of Ishamael and NOT Yitzak {Isaac} and Yaakov {Jacob} / Israel and therefore Mohammend and the Ishmaelites (Arabs) did NOT and DO not have access to the covenant with Yahooshua and therefore are subject to a DIFFERENT covenant that is NOT of Grace but of works
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2012.01.03 - Clarification re THE WORD
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Further to my recent article on "The WORD is semantic nonsense" I received a request for clarification, so, here goes
1. The phrase "THE WORD" is incorrect English in the sense that it is used and to which I am referring
2. Many people refer to Jesus as "THE WORD" based on the passage which says that "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us" -- inherently this interpretation is the consequence of a translation error filtered through pagan thinking -- the meaning of the passage is that the commandments of Yah gave rise to a created being, Yahooshua, who dwelt among the people of his day
3. Many people refer to the bible as "THE WORD" and again ascribe some mystical meaning to the phrase, the bible is simply a collection of writings by human beings
4. Any other language which refers to "THE WORD" is incorrect English and should be avoided, rather use accurate language than some form of meaningless phrase
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace

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