2014.01.19.04 The bible is the most pervasive idol Created by James on 1/5/2019 10:29:10 AM Yah says that the Bible is the most pervasive idol on the planet today, it is a huge industry in the publication of Bibles and related works and also a huge industry in terms of Bible Schools and related endeavours all of which lead people away from Father and force Him to work with the people involved in a highly constrained manner
The bible is the most pervasive idol
Yah has recently said to me that the Bible is the most pervasive idol on earth because of the number of people who worship it and rely on it and use it for fortune telling and who have build huge bodies of false teaching around single verses and extrapolations of what is contained in the book
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2012.01.06 - The contents of the bible are but a pin prick in the history of mankind
Reflecting on some of the historical accounts in the bible it occurred to me that the accounts in the bible really are but a pinprick in the history of mankind
The accounts of Yahooshua {Jesus} depict a very small part of his life, there is a huge amount more that he did and said, the same applies to Shaul {Paul}, Moshe {Moses}, Noah, Adam, etc
It is vital that we get this perspective -- Yah has interacted with human beings much, much, much more than is discussed in the bible
It really is not wise to regard the bible as complete and definitive, it simply records some extremely important moments in time in a very summarized manner but it cannot hope to be complete or definitive
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace

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