2014. Summing up re “The Bible” Created by James on 1/5/2019 10:44:22 AM Summing up of arguments against the Bible as the "Living Word of God"
Summing up re “The Bible”
Summing up of arguments against the Bible as the "Living Word of God"
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Summing up re “The Bible”
I was asked to sum up my understanding with regard to the book commonly referred to as “The Bible”.
Following is a reasonably comprehensive summary of the headline points regarding the Bible which are discussed in greater detail in the articles listed at the end of this article:
1. Bible is NOT a magic word
Bible is derived from the Greek Biblios which means a book and is related to Biblos which was a major centre of papyrus manufacture. So, the word Bible has NO significance at all.
Assigning special meaning to the Bible massively distracts people from serving Yah in person.
2. The Bible does NOT claim to be “The Word of Yah” or to be without error
Nowhere IN the Bible does ANY author let alone ALL authors claim that the Bible is given by Yah. Even in the preamble to the average Bible NO such claim is made. Furthermore no claims are made in the book regarding it being without error.
“The Word of Yah” and “without error” both massively distract people and are false.
3. It is highly unlikely that the Bible is “the living word of Yah”
“The living word of Yah” implies an extremely high level of anointing and therefore infilling of the Spirit of Yah. For it to be the “living word of Yah” the entire book would have to be written by people with this level of infilling of the Spirit of Yah. There is no indication in any of the writings that the people who made these records were at this level of infilling at the time they wrote and, in my personal experience, Yah does NOT give that level of anointing for general documentation purposes. He desires us to apply our minds and our intellect so, generally it is unlikely that Yah would dictate these exact passages and, most of them are NOT worded in such a way as to suggest that they are direct dictation from Yah.
“The living word of Yah” ascribes a level of anointing to the writers that is completely unjustified and, again, distracts others from seeking to know Yah deeply.
4. Most of the Bible is simply history so no need for it to be inspired
A large proportion of the Bible comprises historical accounts that require NO anointing or inspiration to record.
Ascribing inspiration to simple historical accounts devalues the entire essence of inspiration.
5. The Bible contains obvious errors
Both the so-called “Old Testament” and “New Testament” contain obvious errors which denies any claim that it is “without error”. For example the accounts of the death of Judas Iscariot in Matthew and Acts do NOT agree. The genealogies in Matthew and Luke do NOT agree. The reasons given for David numbering Israel differ, one attributes his action to Yah, the other to Satan. The exact wording of the Ten Commandments differs although the different accounts claim to be verbatim transcripts of what Yah spoke on the Mountain, etc. There are websites that list the discrepancies in detail and there are other websites that go to great lengths to explain and justify the discrepancies.
Denying the errors and constructing convoluted arguments to justify obvious errors makes Yah look foolish, compromises the integrity of the believers who advocate such lies and opens the door for massive demonic infestation.
6. No such thing as “The Canon of Scripture”
Yah says there is NO such thing as the Canon of Scripture. He has spoken to millions of people in detail over the years, millions of documents have been written, Yah HAS at some level influenced the thoughts of every human being who has ever lived.
The concept of the “Canon of Scripture” is one of the most destructive lies associated with the Bible. The consequence of believing the “Canon” is that people believe that Yah has only taken the trouble to speak to men in such detail to the sum total of a bit over a thousand pages in six thousand years. This massively devalues the reality of Yah’s interaction with mankind.
Another consequence of the lie of “The Canon of Scripture” is that anointed servants devalue the revelation, visions and messages given to them and fail to give them the import that they deserve. Yah speaks to His servants today, as He has spoken throughout time and His messages today are MOST important today, two and three thousand year old texts are NOT the MOST important message from Yah today. The entire spiritual dispensation today is radically different to that which any person except Yahooshua could have envisaged at the time the texts that make up the Bible were written.
7. Worship of the Bible massively limits Yah
All the above points give rise to a situation in which the Bible is effectively worshiped and, in the process, massively limits Yah.
People hold that the Bible is THE authoritative document and under value millions of other writings. People rely on “Bible Study”, “Bible School”, “Bible …” instead of seeking Yah’s spokesmen {prophets} and a personal relationship with Yah.
Massively corrupt and fundamentally inaccurate and false interpretation and extrapolation of isolated verses builds huge intellectual and demonically inspired constructs that bear NO relation to the truth with the result that human beings are totally mislead with regard to what is really going on in the spiritual realm. The prevalent interpretations of the Book of Revelation are the most dramatic example of this.
8. Current Christian Bible assembled by a group of men in a corrupt dispensation
The current Christian Bible has its roots in Rome and was assembled by a group of corrupt men in a corrupt dispensation.
Many modern believers distain or reject the Roman church yet they worship one of the early Roman churches most significant achievements, the Bible.
Lack of awareness of readily available history compromises the intellect of believers and again opens them to demonic attack.
9. 66 books in the Protestant Bible indicates men have tampered with it
The Protestant Bible contains 66 books, 6 is the number of man. Yah indicates that this indicates that men have tampered with the Bible and states that the Roman church excluded substantial bodies of text which were NOT aligned with their beliefs.
So this supposedly definitive and complete book is fraudulently deficient.
10. All major English translations of the Bible are fundamentally corrupt in terms of names, etc
All the major English translations of the Bible are fundamentally corrupt, they all contain the same errors with regard to “The LORD”, meaning “Baal” instead of “Yahooeh” or “Yah the eternally self-existing”, “God” instead of “Mighty One”, “Jesus” instead of “Yahooshua”, “cross” instead of “stake”, “Christ” instead of “anointing of the Spirit of Yah” or “anointed of Yah”, names containing “Yah” translated completely differently, etc.
The consequence of this is that English speaking believers and those who rely on translations based on the English versions are completely misled in terms of the names and led frequently into paganism rather than relationship with Yah.
11. Most of “New Testament” written in Aramaic and NOT Greek
Supposedly the “New Testament” was written in Greek. This is false.
Yahooshua and those who followed him spoke and wrote Aramaic. Only a few letters to Greek believers were written in Greek.
The reason the source documents are in Greek is that the Jews hated those who followed Yahooshua because they used the true names and challenged the traditions of Israel, as a consequence the Jews seized all available manuscripts and destroyed them. From the other side, the Roman occupiers of Israel and surrounding nations hated the followers of Yahooshua because they confronted their paganism and therefore they too seized the Aramaic documents and destroyed them.
All that survived were Greek translations. These translations were prepared under less than ideal conditions, with no formal quality control and filtered through increasingly corrupt doctrines.
Relying on these translations as being definitive is fundamentally flawed.
12. New Testament compiled from fragments that differ in about 1,250 places
The “New Testament” as it exists today was compared from fragments of manuscripts that were collected and which differ to the extent of something like 1,250 points from one another.
Some sources refer to “the most reliable sources” and others claim that these “reliable sources” were found in a rubbish tip outside a monastery in the Sinai Peninsula. “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”, the source of Trinity doctrine occurs only once and then only in SOME manuscripts.
13. “Old Testament” largely compiled from memory in Babylonian exile
The “Torah scrolls” on which the “Old Testament” is allegedly based were destroyed at the time of the Babylonian exile and pieces were recreated from memory by Jews in Babylon after a massively traumatic defeat and forced march.
14. Tradition regarding “Moses wrote the five books before he died including what happened after he died, is fundamentally flawed
Certain people claim that Moses was given the five books attributed to him by inspiration such that he wrote about what would happen after he died.
This is fundamentally false. Yah has repeatedly said to me that we are NOT glove puppets and that He deals with situations as they unfold, we are NOT living some bizarre and perverse pre-scripted pantomime. Again we see traditions relating to the Bible leading people away from understanding the way Yah works.
15. The Bible Code is a smoke screen
Yah says that “the Bible Code is a smoke screen”. The entire creation, the Universe, every plant and animal, the minute precision of DNA, the Periodic Table of the Elements in Chemistry, ALL evidence the existence of the Creator. To suggest that Yah has seen it necessary to hide some code in the “original Bible text” in order to prove that He exists and that the Bible is inspired by Him simply does NOT correlate with the facts that are available with the simplest observation.
16. Prophecy fulfilled is testimony to Yah’s spokesmen NOT the Bible
People argue that the fact that there are statements in the Bible about the future that have been fulfilled proves that the Bible is the Word of Yah. This is NOT so, it proves that Yah spoke through His spokesmen {prophets} then just as He does today and that someone, who was not necessarily at all inspired, recorded what was said.
The fulfillment of statements made by Yah is MORE a sign that in the age when those statements were fulfilled there were spokesmen who prayed those events into existence.
17. The Bible is a manifestation of the war between Yah and Satan
The Bible is fundamentally the remnant that Yah has managed at some level to preserve as mankind has capitulated to Satan on so many fronts and, on the other hand, it is the remnant that Satan has NOT been able to destroy and therefore Satan hates it and has done all that he can to neutralize it.
Conclusion – almost all of what is claimed for the Bible is FALSE
The bottom line is that virtually all that is claimed for the Bible is FALSE, all that can really be found to be true is that it is a collection of writings about man’s interaction with Yah that are at some level factual.
Further articles below this:
Most recent articles at the top of the list, accordingly the items at the top are the most accurate reflection of my understanding and those at the end of the page are the oldest and most likely to be least accurate, accordingly, you might want to skim the page from the bottom up.

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