2014. Drawing Closer to Yah Created by James on 1/6/2019 7:34:37 AM Drawing close to the Almighty require the right decisions and the right attitude -- IF you truly seek Him you WILL find Him and the more you seek Him the MORE you will find Him
Drawing Close to Yah
Drawing close to Yah the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and Earth is an ongoing ACTIVE process, it requires resolve, determination, TIME and effort
You will draw close to Him in direct proportion to these things and to your search for truth, your search for Him, the effectiveness of your prayers and petititions to Him, your worship, your laying down of self, your sacrifice of worldly interests in order to put Him first, the extent to which you invite Him into EVERY facet of your life, the extent to which you deal with sin in your life, etc
Ultimately it is about your heart attitude towards Him and your LOVE [Chesed = Covenant Love] for Him in which keeping His commandments out of Chesed is a VITAL component
Everything on this website is intended to help you draw closer to Him by learning more about Him and His ways and His commandments and His ways of doing things
If you study what is on this site and apply it you WILL grow closer
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2013.11.10 - WHY Believe in the Almighty Creator, and seek relationship with Him
The Creator says “why would I want someone to spend eternity with me when they do NOT believe I exist?”
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An open letter to those who do NOT believe there is a Creator.
A few weeks ago I met with a man who I esteem greatly. At some point in our conversation the subject of religion came up and he said something like “as I see it, as long as you live a good life and treat people well you will be OK”.
I knew he was mistaken, he would NOT be “OK” but I did NOT know how to answer him succinctly and effectively in a manner that his great intellect would permit him to receive. And so I asked Father about it.
A few days ago, 27 November 2013, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose true name is “Yah the eternally self-existing” (NOT “The LORD”, NOT “God”, NOT “Jesus”) said to me as I walked home from a business meeting with some people who, as far as I could see, lived good lives and treated people well, “why would I want someone to spend eternity with me when they do NOT believe I exist?”
Father Yah went on to say “why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted?”
Father Yah went on to say “most demons (ancestor spirits, spirits of those REJECTED by Yah when they die) were nice law abiding, “good” people, many even went to church from time to time but they never REALLY believed I exist at a level where there was a fundamental internal change of state signifying that they KNEW I exist”.
The night before we had watched a TV program presented by a highly esteemed TV presenter of nature programs and Father had said to me “if that man were to die at the moment that this TV clip was shot he would be rejected by me and become a demon because he does NOT believe that I exist!”
So, if YOU do NOT have a deep, enduring and fundamental understanding of the reality of the Almighty Creator right now then realize that IF you were to die at this moment you will NOT spend eternity with Him and will be UTTERLY REJECTED no matter what you believe or have been taught!
Please read the second part of this document in order to assess whether you find a basis to change your position.
AND, IF you DO know with certainty that the Almighty Creator exists BUT you do NOT have a significant PERSONAL relationship with Him realize that IF you were to die at this moment you will spend eternity FAR removed from Him in Heaven as one of the least worthy in His Kingdom.
Evidence of the existence of the Almighty Creator available to YOU
Following are some items that you can check out personally based on your own life experience as an educated person without having to rely on the opinions of others to see whether the Creator exists:
1. Dog kennels do NOT self-assemble themselves
You know from personal experience that IF you purchased a mixed pile of timber, a saw, a hammer and some nails and left them in the middle of a garden they would NEVER self-assemble themselves into anything let alone the exact dog kennel that you want but would lie there inert until they rotted away. So on WHAT basis do you assume that this entire complex Universe self-assembled itself?
2. YOU are MUCH more complex than a dog kennel
You have deep personal experience of the complexity and precision of your body and of the entire world around you and you know that highly skilled people are required to work on your body successfully when something goes wrong. So on what basis do you conclude that there is NO NEED for a super-intelligent creative being to have designed and assembled all this?
3. You have experienced love, hate, anger, fear – how did they SELF invent?
You experience love, hate, anger, fear, you know of “psychology” and other NON-TANGIBLE elements of being human. The word “love” occurs on 1.25 BILLION webpages! How did this massive non-tangible emotional complexity self-invent itself without the input of a highly creative being?
4. You live according to moral and ethical standards – WHY?
You live your life according to some set of moral and ethical values and try to be a “good” person, whatever that means to you. The word “good” occurs on 1.77 BILLION webpages. If there is NO Creator and therefore NO Judgment and you are just going to cease to exist one day why does that matter to you? Or is there really some spirit being that dwells inside you and provides you with a moral compass and conscience?
5. Sexual reproduction ONLY works when both sides work EXACTLY
If you are an adult you know where children come from, you probably have sexual encounters, you may even enjoy sexual love making. You may be aware of the sexual pleasure that the clitoris brings and yet there is NO basis to conceptualize that the clitoris could have self-invented itself without a highly sensitive and talented Creator. So you recognize at a very fundamental level that human sexual reproduction requires a very precise emotional, sensory and mechanical fit to work.
And presumably, you have some comprehension of the genetic complexity that is required for a squirt of semen and a minute ovum to know to merge and combine their distinct components to form a living, breathing, intelligent human being? And, IF you stop and think about it you should recognize that it is IMPOSSIBLE for an organism that reproduces itself sexually to EVER come into existence UNLESS it starts out fully formed and functioning so there HAS to have been an external very precise creative being who designed and built the two halves together such that they function reliably and reproducibly!
6. You know people who truly believe spirits are REAL – how did they SELF invent?
You know people who believe spirits are real, they talk of “telepathy”, they attend “séances”, they speak of “angels” and “demons” and the word “spirit” occurs on roughly 177 million webpages so there is reasonable evidence that they exist. So, since spirits ARE real on what basis did THEY self-invent themselves from primordial soup made up of HARD compounds that ALSO self-invented themselves from rock that self-invented itself from some “big bang” from some other unknown matter that self-invented itself?
7. There are highly educated, rational analytical people who claim a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator, where did they get the model for this?
Finally, there ARE people like me, with a Bachelor’s degree and a Doctorate in Engineering, who testify with strong conviction of the existence of the Almighty Creator and of having a deep personal relationship with Him. That He talks to them and that He wants such a relationship with EVERY human being, including YOU. How do you convince yourself that ALL of these people are mad, confused, deluded without considering the possibility that they might, just possibly, be telling you the truth?
Well, that is about it.
I have given you some very good reasons WHY I think it is important for you to NOT only deeply believe in the reality of the Creator but ALSO seek a deep personal relationship with Him. Simply put, IF you DO have such a relationship and last the course, the reward in the life to come is great.
And IF you do NOT believe He exists the prospect of spending the remaining time until the Day of Judgment as a condemned and tormented spirit striving to seduce some human being to get better at committing the sins that destroyed you until the final reckoning when, if your side loses, you will be cast into the fire and utterly consumed is a pretty terrible reward for a “good” life when you come to think about it.
So, ultimately we all face ONE CRITICAL CHOICE:
1. Believe in this whole complex Universe self-inventing itself out of nothing or something that you cannot explain;
2. Believe in the existence of a massively intelligent and accomplished creative being who has carefully, step by step, brought this Universe into existence and finally created our forefathers who joined together in a mind-bogglingly complex manner so that you and I exist today.
He says that His TRUE name is “Yah the eternally self-existing”, which sums Him up nicely. In other words, He has ALWAYS been here. So there TOO is something you cannot explain!
I find option TWO far EASIER to believe than your version of whatever you believe about option ONE if you do NOT believe in option 2 because, NO MATTER HOW you call it if you do NOT believe in option 2 then option 1 is the ONLY other alternative.
There is NO middle ground.
Either there IS a Creator or there is NOT a Creator and this whole lot self-invented itself and self-assembled itself.
If I am mistaken one day I will cease to exist and NOT know about it.
If YOU are mistaken one day you will face a terrible day of reckoning followed by centuries of torment before you are ultimately cast into the fire and only THEN cease to exist.
If, having read the above and applied your intellect you have concluded that the Almighty truly exists, I recommend that you pray RIGHT NOW:
“Father Yah, I come to You in the name of Yahooshua {Jesus} and I confess that I have sinned against You by believing that You do NOT exist, I repent, I turn around, I ask You to forgive me and I NOW choose to believe that You are REAL.
“I declare that I accept that You, Yah the eternally self-existing, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth as my Mighty One, as my Saviour, as my King and I choose this day to serve you for the rest of my life!;
“I confess that were I to die without truly deeply acknowledging that You exist I would be UTTERLY REJECTED by You, I now fear that and I ask you to lead me in seeking to know you and build a relationship with you;
“I desire to spend eternity with you;
“I repent and turnaround from all the wrong things that I have said about you and ask you to forgive me;
“I repent of all the wrong things I have done [list EVERYTHING that comes to mind] and I ask you in the name of Yahooshua to forgive me.
“I believe that Yahooshua {Jesus} died a terrible death to usher in a new Covenant of grace whereby I can come directly to your throne and ask for forgiveness and I ask you now to admit me to that Covenant;
“I ask for your grace to enable me to serve you for the rest of my life;
“Father Yah, I ask you for a second chance, a new life;
“I ask you to wash away ALL my sins with the blood of the Covenant of Yahooshua and take me into your family;
“I ask you to fill me with Your Spirit and to come and dwell in me;
“I ask you to lead me and guide me in every possible way;
“I ask you to cut off ALL curses that have been spoken against me and my family in this life and against my forefathers;
“I ask you to bind and cast out ALL demons that are currently attached to me, my family and my belongings and I ask you to cut off their legal right to attach to me;
“I ask you to show me ALL people I must repent to or make restitution to [write down all names and wrongs that come to mind];
“I ask you to show me ALL people I must forgive and I choose to forgive EVERYONE who has ever wronged me;
“I ask you to bring the people you want into my life and take the people that you do NOT want in my life out;
“I ask you to open the doors that you want opened in my life and close the doors that you want closed;
“I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it;
“I ask you to teach me to be a good and faithful servant that I may overcome sin and opposition and lead a life that is pleasing to you and earn a high throne in Heaven with you and Yahooshua for eternity;
“Finally Father, with trepidation but believing that you are just and merciful and gracious and loving and will deal with me according to that which I am able to endure, I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly every day for the rest of my life;
“I choose today to serve ONLY You and ask you to lead me to clean up my life and my life-style and build a personal relationship with you.
All the above and all the links below are on the website
It is VITAL that you turn to Father Yah to lead you IMMEDIATELY.
The world is controlled by the forces of darkness.
The church is FULL of error.
There are very few people who have the truth that YOU need right now BUT Father KNOWS what you need and who can help you.
Get on your knees, cry out to Him, trust that He WILL speak to you and go forward in trust and belief that He WILL guide you and DO what you find to do each day for the rest of your life constantly seeking to grow closer to Him.
IF this is truly the FIRST time that you have believed that the Almighty exists there is massive grace and mercy towards you in the first seven days and then in the first year.
It is VITAL that you avail yourself of ALL that is available to YOU right now.
I strongly recommend that as soon as possible you apply what is presented in http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/217/2009-09-01-Immersion-for-cleansing-and-infilling-with-the-set-apart-Spirit-of-Yah.aspx
I also strongly recommend that you read whatever Father gives you to read, if you do NOT have other guidance I strongly recommend that you read as many of the articles in the following section as possible in the first seven days trusting you Father to lead you to the right articles in the sequence He wants you to read them, there is much more on the website.
All the links referred to below, are also on the page http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/WHYBELIEVE.aspx for your convenience. There are close to 300 articles on this website on diverse important topics.
Further reading
In this section I have provided links to a large number of articles that I hope will answer some of your questions and help you on your journey to draw close to Yah.
Note that the title of the article is included in the last portion of the link.
These articles have been written over a number of years and, during this period my understanding of these issues has been constantly growing so there are probably areas where the articles do NOT fully agree, in all cases the most recent article, as indicated by the document reference e.g. “2010-12-11” in the link name being year-month-sequence number in month and the heading of the article is the MOST reliable.
The biggest SINGLE reason to seek a close relationship with the Almighty Creator is that He is LONELY because so few people actively seek a close relationship with Him see:
As an educated person you may well have been put off the Almighty by the lack of logic in much of what the church and others teach. The Almighty is the CREATOR OF INTELLECT and He does NOT expect you to abdicate your intellect in order to believe in Him or have relationship with Him. On the contrary EVERYTHING is entirely open to the most critical intellectual assessment PROVIDED you are willing to have your current beliefs challenged. See:
We each have an account in Heaven in which that which we do in accordance with Yah’s will is recorded as credits and that which we do contrary to His will is recorded as debits. The outcome of our judgment at the end of the age will be determined by the net balance of this account, see:
It is vital to NOT focus on error, the world is FULL of error and sin, seek truth NOT error, see:
Fasting and prayer are important elements of drawing close to the Almighty, see:
You will have noted that I use the names “Yah” and “Yahooshua” instead of “The LORD” and “God” and “Jesus”. Many people resist using these names, see:
see also
Knowing the name Yah, as in HalleluYah, is vital to understanding Him and to understanding how His name permeated the lives of Hebrew believers in the early days before Yahooshua, see:
Note that the wrong names DO anger Yah considerably, see:
Regarding getting MUCH closer to Yah the eternally self-existing, the Almighty Creator see:
For further discussion of prayers that you are advised to pray see:
The prayers above make reference to the Covenant entered into by Yahooshua {Jesus}, for more information about this covenant see:
To understand the significance of blood in Covenant making see:
Important also to understand that BECAUSE of his sinless life Yahooshua is NOW the most powerful created being in the entire creation, see:
It is vital to understand that Yahooshua ushered in a NEW COVENANT, a contract in blood and NOT a Testament, that is a will, see:
In entering into relationship with the Almighty Creator, Father Yah it is important to be aware of the lies that stand between mankind and close relationship with and belief in Him, see:
see also
In praying the prayer “judge me severely and correct me harshly” it is important to understand that Daddy Yah will NOT allow you to be tested beyond what you can endure, He may allow you to be pushed to your limits but NOT beyond, see:
In order to serve the Almighty it is VITAL that you accept that His Commandments are, in fact, BEST for you and for mankind, see:
For more about the rules of engagement on earth and the REAL battle see:
also see
There is a GREAT tendency for people to focus on the physical realm when the REAL battle is in the spiritual realm, see:
Important to understand that demons are simply human spirits that have died and been rejected by Yah, either because they NEVER truly believed in Him or because they believed but committed such extensive sin that they were utterly rejected during their lives. These people are frequently good, decent, polite, friendly, ethical people but they did NOT accept the existence of Yah, see
see also
You may have been turned from the Creator by things that others said or taught that did NOT make sense to you or by their conduct. Please note that NO human being is a definitive authority on the Creator, you are called to turn to the Almighty, NOT other men and women. There is much error in the world and the Christian church today. For more information on what is REALLY true, see:
There are a number of vital spiritual truths that are VITAL to walking with Yah in a manner where you overcome sin, see:
As you start to serve the Almighty the forces of darkness will focus CONSIDERABLE attention on you in ways you have NOT previously experienced. Their main avenue of attack is to obtain judgments against you in the Court of Heaven for sin in your life and, on the other hand, to lead you into sin so that they can obtain more judgments, see:
The prayers in the early part of this document include prayers for deliverance from demons, in deliverance there is a place of self-discipline, see:
see also
To better understand the nature of the covenant relationship between man and woman {marriage} see:
see also
A divided house is one of the most effective ways the forces of darkness use to attack the finances of believers, see:
One of the most effective and destructive lies on earth today relates to statutory and church “marriage” and the belief that there is such a thing as “sex before marriage”, see
There ARE certain conditions under which Yah grants divorce and, there are many conditions under which church or civil marriage is adultery in His sight. If you have truly established that He will grant divorce in a particular situation see:
Associated with wrong teaching about the sexual union that we frequently incorrectly term “marriage” is widespread use of pornography which has its own major negative impacts. While it IS far better to use pornography and masturbate than to actually ENGAGE in promiscuous sex there are severe negative impacts associated with pornography and masturbation not least of which is that it plants the seed to finally commit the acts eventually, see:
Some religious women distain pornography but watch “chick flicks” which, since they depict sexual relationships which are NOT in accordance with Yah’s commandments are JUST as wrong as pornography, in fact almost all secular entertainment depicts forbidden relationships, see:
Another major area of false teaching relates to “grace”, many teach a sloppy, “do what you like and God will forgive you” form of Grace as distinct from the REAL Grace of Yah which provides room for growth for young believers:
see also
The true set-apart {holy} days of Yah are very different to those that are observed in the Western World all of which are pagan feasts and abominations in the sight of the Almighty. The dates of the correct days vary every year because they are linked to the moon. For example see:
The current calendar for each year is available from http://www.qodesh.co.za/
Note that Sunday is the Day of the Sun and is a pagan Sabbath, Yah’s true Sabbath is on SATURDAY, see:
ALL the Christian holidays {holy days} are pagan and an abomination to Yah, Christmas is one of the greatest abominations on earth in His sight, see:
and also
Church teachings that demand that members pay “tithes” to the church and other demands for money are false. Those who claim to be truly serving the Almighty in this age should be seeking to support themselves by their own endeavours. The tendency for believers to use manipulative ways to obtain money rather than sort out why they are under judgment and therefore without money is very considerable and offends many. Much of this begging takes the form of witchcraft although those who perpetrate it do NOT necessarily understand that this is what they are doing. Their demons DO, see:
Having chosen to follow the Creator and believe that He will supply their needs through the wisdom and anointing that He has given you throughout your life applied to your earthly endeavours in whatever form of business or other revenue producing activity that you are equipped to engage in you should NOT end up having to beg and IF you are without money you should turn to HIM to show you WHY you have a problem, see:
Teachings regarding “the Mark of the Beast” abound, they are virtually ALL false, see:
Virtually ALL teachings relating to the Book of Revelation and the End of the Age are false, to understand what is REALLY coming on earth today see:
To understand WHY the bible is NOT the “living word of God” or whatever else you may have been told about the bible see:
For compelling evidence that the ENTIRE earth was covered in water and the surface of the earth utterly destroyed about 4,500 years ago see:
See also
There are many seriously incorrect opinions regarding race, for a more accurate report on the situation see:
Associated with this are major errors with regard to Islam see:
see also
For an in-depth analysis in favour of the existence of the Creator versus uncontrolled random “evolution” see:
Many people get involved in conspiracy theories, see:
“Anointed” in spiritual terms refers to people who are at some level filled with the Spirit of the Almighty, these are people who have a relationship with the Almighty AND have invited Him to dwell in them. In contrast, “Illuminated” refers to those who have invited demons to dwell IN them (as distinct to demons which gain the right to sit ON us when we sin), these are mid-level to high level servants of Satan, witches, etc who consciously and actively seek this demonic infilling because of the power it gives them. Those in senior positions in many secret societies fall into this category see:
To better understand the anointing of Yah see:
Many intelligent people are put off the Almighty by the conduct of Priests and Pastors, they are almost universally in major error and lead their people into error and away for a close relationship with the Almighty. Turning to the church to help you now is NOT the right thing to do, see:
While the Christian church is, in some sense, the custodian of vital truths regarding the Covenant of Yahooshua Christianity as a whole is full of massive error, see:
The biggest single lie of Christianity is that “Jesus IS God” and part of a “Trinity”. Yahooshua is and always was ENTIRELY a created being filled with the Spirit of the Almighty which is inaccurately translated “Christ”. In recent years the grace that protected believers from their error has been withdrawn so that now, when people “invite Jesus into their hearts” they receive a demon and NOT the Spirit of the Almighty and so they become servants of Satan and NOT Yah, see:
see also
As a consequence of the lies of Christianity MOST “Revivals” today are Satanic and Demonic, they are conducted in the name of “God”, “The LORD” and “Jesus” which are pagan blasphemous names and they therefore call on demons and NOT Yah, see:
see also:
The current spiritual dispensation changed dramatically in 2003 when the Archangel Lucifer, also known as Satan, was convicted of his sins and cast into the gaol known as “The Pit” for a thousand years ushering in a new phase of the battle between Satan and Yah, see:
For an in-depth discussion of what is required in order to qualify to occupy a HIGH THRONE in heaven close to Yah and Yahooshua for eternity, in other words, what is required in order to receive GREAT HONOUR from the Creator see:
One of the fundamental principles of drawing really close to Yah is to die to your fleshly desires so that His Spirit can fill you and guide you, see:
If you have betrayed someone or been betrayed it is vital to understand that treachery is a spiritual force and to take the necessary measures to deal with the consequences of the situation, see:
To get some idea of how insidiously the forces of darkness infiltrate the lives of “good” people read:
this article follows on to the one above :
One of the things that WILL happen IF you make a REAL effort to get close to Yah is that your priorities WILL change, see:
Older writings
The FULL list of about 300 articles written from 2009 onwards are listed in publication reference sequence at http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles.aspx you may well find answers to questions in those articles.
The website also contains a further collection of in excess of 600 articles written between 2000 and 2009 during which time I was undergoing a major learning process, accordingly, articles that I believed were accurate at the time I have subsequently come to understand contain errors, sometimes material errors. They REMAIN on the website because Yah says that each person must learn to sift truth from error by turning to Him and it is NOT for me to go back and censor or edit what I wrote in trust and belief at the time. Also He says that there ARE many articles of value in the collection so, if you do NOT find an answer to some question in the recent articles section you may find something here. These articles are listed in publication reference sequence at http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articlesto2009.aspx
VERY IMPORTANT – raising the bar / pushing the envelope – what is REALLY POSSIBLE
The prize for DEEP COMMITMENT TO YAH IS INCOMPARABLE, a throne with great esteem and authority for eternity. There is NOTHING more desirable on earth than this.
YES, the challenges and sacrifices in this life are considerable but the prize is WORTH it.
Further, as you draw close to Yah and invite Him into your family and business life He will give you great wisdom and guidance IF you ask for it. If you robustly deal with your sin IMMEDIATELY, by which I mean the first seven days after coming to belief you will find that you move forward rapidly.
If you have a deep desire to reach the ULTIMATE with the Almighty see:
I challenge you to aim for a HIGH THRONE and go ALL OUT to serve Yah starting NOW!
May Yah the eternally self-existing, the Almighty Creator bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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