2014. Yah's Still Small Voice Created by James on 1/6/2019 7:47:06 AM Yah is NOT domineering or a bully, He speaks to us mostly in our hearts, the goal of the Contest is for us to come to know Yah as an act of belief in someone who is abstract and intangible, who does NOT force Himself on us and leaves it to us to seek Him out and come to know Him, accordingly most of the time He speaks to us with a very quiet voice which most find difficult to separate on from the other voices that are going on in our heads
Yah's Still Small Voice
On occasions Yah DOES speak audibly but this is VERY unusual, in my entire walk with Him over more than 20 years of actively seeking to serve Him I can only think of TWO occasions when He has spoken to me audibly, the one was when He spoke to me when I was planning to kill myself because my life was in a total mess and I was desperate and He turned my life around from the path of destruction i was on and the other was a few weeks later to tell me to speak to the man with whose wife I had been committing adultery, these two incidents took place within weeks of one another and He has NEVER spoken audibly to me again -- this priviledge is reserved for very special occasions, He expects us to LEARN to hear Him
Yah will ALSO speak to us through others whom He actively instructs to speak to us and who will state that they are speaking on His behalf, this happened many times in my first years of walking with Him but, as I matured and drew closer to Him He progressively stopped speaking to me this way, it requires significant effort on His part to put us in a place where we can connect with a spokesman of Yah {commonly known as a "prophet"} and Yah has a limited number of people available to use, it is also a matter of us putting ourselves in places where we can meet such people AND, if necessary, being willing to travel to meet them. Again, as your mature He will reduce the extent to which He speaks to you this way
Yah will ALSO "speak" to us through any other medium, books, emails, websites, TV, radio, etc, etc anything that contains information we need that He is able to get to us
Yah will ALSO "speak" through other people directly who do NOT necessarily know Him at all, simply by having them say something that is relevant to us at that point -- it is a matter of HOW MUCH you are seeking to hear Him as to what lengths He will go to in order to communicate with you, particularly in the early years of your walk with Him
Be aware that IF Yah speaks to you in ANY way and you deliberately ignore or worse still disobey Him and do this repeatedly He will reach a point where He will STOP speaking to you, firstly because the more you ignore Him or disobey Him the greater the sin you get into and secondly because He has better things to do than speak to people who ignore Him and disobey Him
So, IF you want Yah to speak to you it is VITAL to choose to do your VERY BEST to be obedient and apply what He says to you in your life in whatever shape or form that takes -- the MORE you listen attentively and act and obey the MORE He will speak to you to the point where one day He may even count you as His friend, a person that He confides in, asks advice from and generally treats as a partner in His work on earth
MOST of the time Yah speaks to us Spirit to spirit, His voice sounds VERY similar to our own thoughts, His voice ALSO sounds very similar to the voices of demons [ancerstor spirits] that we are carrying, the CHALLENGE is to learn to differentiate between the three, generally His voice is more gentle AND it is generally the quietest of the three. When you have JUST come to belief He will speak more loudly but, over time, He expects you to learn to discern His voice and, again, to act on and obey what He says to you
Demons tend to be more assertive and sometimes more strident but, since we ALL carry demons with isolated exceptions of those who have gone to EXTREME lengths to get free, we have lived with most of the demons most of our lives and we are therefore familiar with and comfortable with their voices and generally assume that it is our OWN mind speaking. It is necessary to exercise wisdom and discretion to discern the voice of a demon and then to resist it, firstly by refusing to obey it, secondly by binding and silencing it by speaking out loud "in the name of Yahooshua", then dealing with whatever legal rights the demon has to be there, such as repentance out loud, restitution of wrongs done to others, etc and then FINALLY commanding it to leave "in the name of Yahooshua". One person can be carrying thousands of demons so deliverance is generally a lengthy process UNLESS the right prayers are prayed at the time of FIRST belief
A KEY method to help one hear Yah more clearly is to FAST, as a young believer you might start with one day total fasts and then work up to three day fasts with water only, then a series of seven three day water only fasts at seven day intervals or other intervals and number as Father leads, then seven days with water only or with water and soup or vegetables and fruit, then a series of three seven day fasts at 21 day intervals -- progress until you fast for seven days with water only, then IF Father leads you that way, two twenty one day fasts with soup or vegetables and fruit only 6 months apart and then subsequently IF led, water only for 21 days, finally progress to a full 40 day fast IF led
Note that these different fasts should be spaced out, typically at intervals of about six months and Father may NOT require you to undertake the FULL range, it depends on your calling and other factors that vary from person to person -- the progression above is to enable your body to become accustomed to fasting, it is relatively difficult to go to a full length fast directly
Note that generally your body WILL experience "detox" effects early on in a fast which can include extreme headaches, irritability, etc -- if you drink a lot of caffeine in the form of coffee or similar this can be particularly pronounced -- press in and press through, the effects WILL reduce after a few days
A forty day water only fast is a minimum requirement to enter into what I term "power ministry", that is healing of others, signs and wonders, etc -- this will ONLY come IF you are called and IF you make the sacrifices that are necessary to come to this point -- note that you may end up in bed for several weeks during the last weeks of the 40 day fast -- the fast alone is NOT enough, you must ALSO deal with sin, worship regularly, pray effectively, etc, etc -- see the rest of this section and the rest of this website
As a very minimum I suggest that you embark on a series of seven three day fasts at seven day intervals as soon as possible and repeat over time -- pray as led, see the sections on fasting and pray particularly to HEAR Father more clearly, there are MANY measures that you can take to help you to hear Him more clearly that are set out elsewhere on this site
Perhaps the MOST important measure is to be OBEDIENT when He speaks to you -- do NOT ask Him to speak to you and then ignore Him or disobey Him -- AND, IF you are obedient you WILL hear Him more in time. Read as much as you can of what is on this site, particularly the material from 2009 onwards and this will help you to better understand how Father might speak to you and to learn to hear Him as He speaks through me
Important to understand that, particularly as a young believer, you will find that Father tells you things and asks you to do things that are AT ODDS with what you believe, the world is in huge error so, when you first believe almost everything you believe is out of line with Father
As a general principle you will hear Yah more clearly on your knees before Him or flat on your face on the floor before Him than in any other position -- the more you humble yourself the easier it is for you to quiet your spirit in order to hear Him
The more consistent you are, the more you will hear and the more you will KNOW when He speaks to you until, with the required investment of time, effort, setting apart {sanctification}, etc you MAY come to a point where you dialogue with Him frequently or almost constantly (few people reach this last stage) but THAT is the goal Father wants us ALL to strive for
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