2014. Visions and Dreams Created by James on 1/6/2019 7:53:40 AM Yah gives us visions and dreams to assist us to learn more about Him and his ways and to encourage us
As a general rule He expects us to act responsibly with what He gives us in such experiences, such as for instance documenting what we are shown and sharing that with others, putting what we learn into practice, etc
Many people who have visions or dreams use them very irresponsibly and will be judged accordingly when they are judged
Visions and Dreams
Some people have visions and / or dreams, some have extremely graphical visions as though they are alive IN the situation, others have very faint ephemeral pictures display in their minds, some dream, most do NOT, be cautious of attaching significance to a dream
Generally IF a dream or vision IS from Father we will have clear recall weeks or months later, IF it is NOT from Him it will tend to disappear quickly, but recall of even dreams and visions from Yah does ALSO wane over time, IF you are privileged to have a dream or vision it is preferable to write it down, particularly if it is of pivotal or directional significance in the early days of your walk
As with ALL matters relating to Father dreams and visions vary from person to person
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2011.02.14 - Are visions precise and free of error?
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I have just published in quick succession three accounts of dramatic supernatural visions or out of body experiences by three different people who have visited heaven and / or hell.
1. The dilemma posed by the articles just published
In all three cases the articles present information which is at some level at-odds with what I believe and have been publishing.
All the articles refer to Jesus, all at some level give worship to Jesus and some equate him as being God, some refer to Jesus coming soon. There are other points. This contrasts with my belief that the correct name of Jesus is Yahooshua and that there are increasing penalties for using Jesus that God should be translated the Almighty or might one, that the LORD should be translated Yah the eternally self-existing, that Yahooshua is NOT Yah and it is sin to worship Yahooshua and that Yahooshua will only return in about a thousand years time.
How do I interpret these discrepancies?
How do YOU interpret them?
What should YOU believe?
What should I believe?
Am I in error?
In this article I will endeavour to point you at what I believe is the answer and then leave it to you to pray about it and reach your own conclusion.
The simple answer is to conclude that James Robertson has missed it, that these people have been to heaven or hell or both and had dramatic personal encounters with Jesus and their accounts must therefore be entirely reliable.
Problem is that I claim to have had encounters with the Almighty and to have been shown that there are problems with using Jesus, that Yahooshua is NOT coming soon, etc.
One could easily get into a position where one either believes one writer or one believes the other because simplistically it would appear that one or other writer is in serious error.
But what if all parties have some truth and some error?
What if the mechanism for delivery of visions and out of body experiences is in some way constrained so there are limitations on the accuracy of the message received?
What if we cannot rely entirely on ANY message by ANY human being, including the messages in the collection of writings in the book (Greek biblios) or bible?
2. A personal experience
In 1994 I had a dramatic personal encounter with Father Yah where He filled my bedroom with a mighty rushing wind and then placed His hand on me for what seemed like twenty minutes.
The next morning I started to prophesy at a level beyond that which I had done previously and I started to pray for people and see dramatic healings.
A few months later Father introduced me to a number of shepherds {pastors} from Malawi and sometime later they invited me to minister in Malawi.
I went and while up there had a dramatic encounter with Father Yah where His Spirit came upon me so strongly that the other people in the room were knocked to the floor as I walked towards them and Father Yah spoke through me in the first person to each one of us for a period of over an hour and then taught us through me for another couple of hours.
We all knew that it was Yah speaking, no one believed that the things that were coming out of my mouth originated with me.
At that time all I knew was Jesus, God, the LORD, cross, etc and therefore what came out of my mouth used those words since I did not know they were incorrect and I did not know any other words.
If I had said Yahooshua, Mighty One, Yah the eternally self-existing and stake I would not have known what I was saying, nor would anyone else in the room. So the Spirit of Yah was constrained to use the words and concepts that I was familiar with.
It took about another five or six years before I was able to learn about the true names and was open enough to consider the possibility that the words that I had been using all my life were pagan and false.
Chances are that if Yah had tried to give me a lesson on those points at that time that I would have lost my audience and it is quite possible that I would have run away or shut-up as well.
The conclusion I draw from this experience is that Daddy Yah is constrained to meet us where our knowledge and experience permits us to meet Him and that no matter how dramatic the experience we should always be willing to accept the possibility, in fact the reality, that we will have at some level filtered and possibly contaminated the message He wanted to give to us and through us.
It is only by being willing to constantly review and question what we believe and seek greater truth by praying prayers like "Father please show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it" that we can hope to grow in truth.
In the sections that follow I will endeavour to explain more fully what happens and how this constrains Daddy Yah in even the most dramatic experiences.
3. The translation mechanism whereby the Spirit of Yah communicates with our human spirit
Yah is Spirit and He communicates with us through electromagnetic impulses that are received by the radio transceiver we call the brain and converted into our language.
As far as I understand it, Yah does NOT speak our language, He communicates to us in His language and our soul and brain perform a translation of the signal He gives us into the language we understand.
Thus, if I associate the electromagnetic signal which relates to the name of Yah with the words "the LORD" then I will make that association, if I associate that same impulse with "Yah the eternally self-existing" then that is what I will hear and what I will say.
It seems that this same filtering and translation mechanism may even apply at some level to the images given in visions, etc – thus if I believe that Yahooshua died on a cross not a stake I will see him on a cross in a vision whereas if I understand it was a stake and NOT a cross then I will see him on a stake.
4. We filter the signals through our paradigm
So we filter the signals through our paradigm of Yah, Yahooshua, etc.
5. It seems we cannot receive all signals
It also seems that we may not necessarily be able to receive all signals.
Thus, if I am totally convinced that the name of Yahooshua is Jesus I will only be able to receive that, if I receive the word Yahooshua my brain will not recognize it and not know what to do with it and it will be discarded.
6. It seems these experiences can only be given within the parameters of some level of knowledge
I further have the impression that there are some constraints on what we are permitted to be shown in visions, dreams and out of body experiences.
It seems that for the most part these experiences are permitted in order to elaborate on what we already know and not in order to fundamentally correct error of belief in us.
That is challenging because there is a widely held implicit belief that if a person has a dramatic experience like a vision or out of body experience, everything they report is reliable and accurate.
It is a challenge to consider the possibility that their brains may have filtered and conditioned the messages received and even blocked them or corrected them.
It seems there may also be some spiritual legal constraints on what can be given this way – otherwise all that would be required to bring the entire planet to saving knowledge of Yah would be to give every human being the sort of experience of Hell described by Bill Weise.
It seems that we have to gain a certain minimum level of knowledge in any area BEFORE we can get confirmation of this through a vision, dream, etc.
7. Rely on NO man – draw near to Yah
The key learning from this discussion is that we should rely on NO man.
Use the experiences of others to challenge ourselves, cause us to change opinion, etc but then draw close to Yah and seek the truth directly from Him.
The bottom line is that, no matter how powerful the experience of other people, we must draw close to Yah and seek our truth from Him and NOT from men.
Men may act as agents or catalysts to help us learn or change but ultimately we must turn to Yah if we are to overcome to the end!!
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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