2014. Demonically inspired bible versions Created by James on 1/9/2019 2:42:14 PM
A discussion of the fact that some versions of the bible are demonically inspired and contain serious error, beyond the errors in the base manuscripts and most widely accepted translations
Demonically inspired bible versions
A discussion of the fact that some versions of the bible are demonically inspired and contain serious error, beyond the errors in the base manuscripts and most widely accepted translations
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2012.07.17 Demonically inspired bible versions
In citing the bible and reading the bible it is important to exercise caution.
All translations are filtered through modern understanding and doctrine which is generally filtered through the lies that were almost universally adopted by th Christian Church during the 6th century.
Some versions are NOT translations at all, they are interpretations. Some of these versions are particularly dangerous because they present as biblical their interpretation. Avoid reading such versions. In at least one case it is alleged that the translator / interpreter made such gross adaptations that he was struck dead by Yah within a few years of releasing his version.
Because of this error it can be taken that all translations have, at some level, demonic influence and they should ALL be read prayerfully IF you read them.
It is advisable NOT to read bibles with embedded commentary as a regular practice – I have encountered a significant number of people who quote the Commentary and hold that it is part of the Bible because it is in a book with the name bible on the cover.
Given that every single version contains errors it is highly advisable to read as many different translations as possible and to refrain from reading any particular translation more than a few of times – each translation brings its own revelation and its own error – read as many as you can including the specialized “fringe” translations.
Some versions have been translated by prophetic people and have a reasonably high and sometimes very high level of inspiration in the translation while others have been translated by committees and academics and contain little or no inspiration other than demonic inspiration.
Versions that I find useful include:
The Amplified Bible – very useful because it addresses the very limited ability of English to represent the Hebrew essence of the words – widely available in Christian book shops or through Amazon at:
The Scriptures – very useful because it reverts to the fundamental Hebrew names and other words – a bit difficult to read at first but very valuable once you get used to it – if you read no other version you need to read this – available in various free download formats from;
as well as physical editions can be purchased from this site or through Amazon at:
The Living Torah series – Anointed Jewish Translation and Commentary, available from Amazon at:
There are three further books in the suite covering the entire “Old Testament”
Over the years I have read the Old Testament in excess of twenty times in probably about fifteen translations and read the New Testament in excess of thirty five times probably in in excess of twenty five translations – I have learned a very considerable amount through reading such a diversity of translations.
I have also virtually NEVER read a version with a significant commentary other than the Living Torah where I learned a lot of Jewish information that would not have been available to me any other way. I strongly advise AGAINST reading versions with commentaries as routine practice.
As stated in other articles, I strongly recommend that you read the writings of others in addition to the bible. If you have read the entire bible more than a couple of times I suggest you look at other reading material.
If you have read the New Testament but NOT the Old I strongly recommend that you read the Old in at least the three translations cited above but once you have done that move on to other sources.
If you have not read everything on the two End Time Issue Ministries websites you might like to consider doing that, the older material on the old sitewww.ETIMin.org contains error in some places but I have a high level of confidence in the material on the new site www.EndTimeIssueMinistries
Bible versions with large amounts of artistic license and interpretation are generally demonically inspired and should be avoided.
If you are going to read the bible read the ENTIRE bible from Genesis to Revelation AND read as many different translations and versions as you can find. Avoid reading the same translation or version more than a few times. Three highly recommended versions are listed.

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