2014. The origin of the Christian bible Created by James on 1/10/2019 11:10:04 AM A discussion of the origin of the Christian Bible including reliance on fragments of manuscripts and source texts which differ considerably
The origin of the Christian bible
A discussion of the origin of the Christian Bible including reliance on fragments of manuscripts and source texts which differ considerably
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2011.09.06 The origin of the Christian bible
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Earlier this week I was sent an article which argues that the name "Jesus" has divine approval as the English name for Yahooshua and that it is error to suggest that English speakers should be told that Yah requires us to use the name Yahooshua and that Jesus is totally acceptable to Yah.
Various arguments in support of the divine approval of the name Jesus are advanced chief of which is that the name Jesus is used in the King James Version of the bible which the writer regards as an inspired translation and the definitive translation into English.
On the basis that the writer holds that the King James is THE divinely authorized and inspired translation and that the name Jesus is used in that translation the writer concludes that the name Jesus has divine approval.
In response to this I would like to offer the following thoughts:
Yah clearly told me over ten years ago that "Jesus" was the name of Yahooshua's "worst enemy" and that I should stop using it.
Yah has also told me that with isolated exceptions of those who have close relationships with Yah all those who use the name Jesus today are receiving answers from demonic strongholds and NOT from Yah.
The Christian bible is a compilation by men over a period of time culminating at the Synod of Nicea in about 325 AD where hundreds of Bishops and Priests of the Roman church gathered together to formalize the Christian faith under the sponsorship of the Emperor Constantine who had accepted Christianity and was championing it.
While reports indicate that there were compilations before this time it is the Roman Church which has formally declared there to be a "canon of scripture" and declared the bible to be the "Word of God" and without error.
Given that this happened a few years after the Sabbath was formally changed from Saturday (the 7th day as appointed by Yah) to Sunday in 321 AD and other deviations from Yah's commandments by the Roman church it is reasonable to conclude that the so-called cannon of scripture is likewise contrary to Yah's commands and has pagan roots.
Yah has confirmed the above and this again reinforces the principle that the bible is NOT the living word of Yah and all inspired as so many believe and is just a collection of writings, some of which are partly inspired as discussed in previous articles on this list.
The bible is simply a collection of writings by men and has no greater significance other than that this is the oldest collection of writings that Satan has allowed to be preserved and must therefore be treated circumspectly and with caution as a resource.
We must ALL turn to Yah as our teacher as Yahooshua commanded us.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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