2014.01.20 Yah (The Almighty) says that the bible is "the Greatest Idol" on earth today Created by James on 1/10/2019 1:01:03 PM The Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Exising says that the bible is the greatest idol on the earth today, He refers to it as "THAT tiny book" and He hates it because it keeps people away from close relationship with Him
The Almighty says:
"Why base one's faith on a collection of document fragments that are 2,000 years old and older when you can have a deep PERSONAL relationship with ME?"
Yah says that the bible is "the Greatest Idol" on earth today
The fact that the Bible is NOT inspired and much else about the Bible, "THAT tiny book" as Yah refers to it, is discussed in much detail on the page on "The Bible"
Most significantly the Almighty, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, says that the bible is "the Greatest Idol on earth today"
People worship the bible, call it "THE Word of God", have built innumerable "Bible Schools" where the bible is taught and worshipped together with all the false teachings relative to it
The bible keeps people from deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self Existing which is the FUNDAMENTAL reason we exist
From a human perspective the bible is a lengthy and difficult to understand book -- made more difficult by the fact that what the "Christian Church" in all its diverse forms of error and deception teaches largely does NOT correspond with the bible and therefore all sorts of obfuscations and rationalizations and illogical mental gymnastics are required to believe in the bible as "The Word of God" -- the same applies to much of what the Yahoodite {Jewish} religion teaches through their worship of their version of the Bible
All of this leads sincere people away from Yah and leads those who DO have some level of relationship with Yah and anointing with His Spirit into error and deception that allows the forces of darkness to operate in their lives largely with little restraint -- see the Rules of Engagement for more information
Yah wants a DEEP PERSONAL relationship with YOU
NOTHING else is more important
Thus, spending uncountable hours reading and studying the bible and going to "Bible Study", "Bible School", etc is counter-productive and an offence to Yah
The situation is so severe that the only way that many (most) believers are able to hear Yah is IF He comes down to their level and talks to them in the context of and by reference to the Bible, this creates the impression that Yah endorses the Bible and the claims made for it when, in fact, it is the ONLY way that our loving Heavenly Father can have some level of fellowship and communion with the majority of those who are committed believers at some level
I urge you to turn your attention to the Almighty Creator, pray the prayers that are on the"Prayer" page and get on your knees, fast and pray and generally apply yourself to seeking to draw MUCH closer to your Father in Heaven, NO MATTER what religious starting point you are coming from
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