2014.01.21 Anointed Life Created by James on 1/10/2019 1:04:27 PM How to live life as an anointed believer -- achieving your full potential as an anointed one is extremely challenging and there is NOT as much guidance as one would expect, This section provides information based on my experience of walking this road for over 21 years
The Almighty Creator says:
"Anointing is NOT a guarantee of accuracy or absence from error -- it is possible to be highly anointed and demonstrate the power gifts and yet have significant error -- anointing is the consequence of ACTIVE seeking"
Anointed Life
Once one becomes a believer one has the opportunity to INVITE Yah to fill one with His Spirit
We receive an initial impartation at the moment we believe and IF we go through the recommended procedures when we first believe we can receive a substantial infilling, that is anointing, very early on
However, the vast majority of people who have believed in recent generations have NOT known this is possible and they are therefore hardly anointed at all, certainly NOT at a material level where the Spirit of Yah can have a major impact in their lives
So learning to worship deeply and be filled with the Spirit of Yah continuously is one of the TOP priorities for anyone who believes and is seeking deep relationship
Being filled with the Spirit of Yah is the consequence of regular worship and seeking Him, the more we worship and actively seek to be filled by Him by INVITING Him to fill us the more anointed we become
The more we deal with sin in our lives and eliminate it, the more anointed we become
The more we draw close to Father Yah the more anointed we become
The anointing can be drained off by sin, by being betrayed, by becoming one-flesh with someone who is NOT an anointed one or believer or who is joined to other people and through fear or being joined to someone who is in deep fear
The anointing will wane if we go for long periods without worshipping, without seeking Yah, without in any way seeking to draw close to Him -- becoming too busy "the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches" will cause the anointing to drain out if we are in contact with the world until we come to a place where we have the form of relationship but NO LONGER the relationship -- at this point we will start to make serious errors AND our bodies will start to die IF previously we had a strong anointing
The anointing of the Spirit of Yah is precious, it is like a valuable perfume, it should be treated with respect and treasured and protected, it should NOT be exposed to the common and unclean more than we can reasonably avoid
The more one becomes anointed the more useful to Yah one becomes
Currently Yah says that there are ONLY about 5,000 people on earth with sufficient anointing AND right relationship with Him to be REALLY EFFECTIVE in His service -- I challenge YOU to seek to become one of these 5,000 people and, in so doing, RAISE THE BAR for service to Yah in this generation on earth!
This section contains many articles on the anointed life, how to live it and what to do to grow in the anointing
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