2012.07.09 Believers who abdicate their intellect Created by James on 9/28/2013 6:49:49 AM Many believers rely on others to guide them and in the process abdicate their intellect in believing things that are clearly at odds with the bible or with what rational common-sense indicates .
You do NOT have to abdicate your intellect in order to serve Yah.
Believers who abdicate their intellect
James Robertson
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One of the major factors that turned me off the church and religion in my twenties and thirties was the extent to which the church on the one hand said “the Bible is the Word of God” and then proceeded to teach exactly the opposite of what was in the book.
When I was about seventeen someone told me I should read the Bible because it was “The Word of God”.
I took the book and started reading – the obvious place to start reading a book is at the beginning so I did.
I got halfway through Genesis and found men with close relationships with the Almighty who had more than one covenant woman {wife} – the church clearly told me that God intended a man to have only one wife so I threw the book away.
Big mistake, nearly cost me my life – I became increasingly offended by the hypocrisy and error in the church, associated the church with the Almighty and turned my back on the church AND the Almighty.
Eventually, backslidden and in deep sin and nearly forty years old I found myself on the brink of suicide when Yah spoke to me audibly, turned me from destruction and proved to me that He was real.
I quickly realized that I was in the fast lane headed for Hell and that He had given me a last chance to redeem myself – I gave Him my life, turned around and plunged into serving Him no matter what the cost.
Increasingly I found that the church was in error till today, nineteen years later, I have come to understand that the Christian Church is one of the most blasphemous and heretical institutions on earth today steeped in documented error that it refuses to deal with.
The difference was, this time round, I knew that I knew that I knew that Yah was real and I turned TO HIM when I encountered error or uncertainty.
In this process I have found an almost universal phenomenon amongst those who claim to believe.
They profess the Bible as authoritative BUT they teach and practice things that are clearly at odds with what is in the Bible.
They claim to be led by the Spirit of Yah but they do things that are clearly at odds with the Commandments of Yah and could NOT possibly be from Yah.
They argue with people who DO hear Yah because of the above and frequently get into grievous sin.
Bottom line – if you are an engineer, as I am, believe that Yah is the BEST engineer there will ever be and He does NOT expect you to abdicate your intellect in order to serve Him and believe in Him – if you encounter a human being who is teaching or practicing something that is at odds with what you understand Yah to be saying then turn TO YAH for guidance, apply your intellect and discern the truth and do it – AND – recognize that your own intellect is woefully inadequate and therefore constantly ask Yah for guidance J
Same applies no matter what your training or education, do NOT abdicate your intellect in order to serve Yah and do NOT rely on any other person to guide your relationship – take note of the teachings of others but do NOT abdicate your intellect.
We should NOT abdicate our intellect in order to serve Yah – apply your mind, ask for guidance and do NOT do or believe stupid things because others say so – we are each personally and individually accountable for what we believe – apply your mind!
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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