2012.07.15 Old Testament versus New Testament Created by on 9/28/2013 7:28:37 AM Many people make reference to the New Testament as though it is distinct from the Old Testament and use this distinction to support beliefs and teachings that are fundamentally false.
This article provides an overview of why the argument of New Testament NOT Old Testament is fundamentally false.
Old Testament versus New Testament
James Robertson
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One person has told me that Deuteronomy 24 is “Old Testament” and that they are “under the New Testament and therefore under Grace”.
There are a number of articles relating to this on the two websites but let me summarize:
1. There is NO SUCH THING as Old Testament and New Testament – they are divisions imposed by men who were seeking to distinguish the Christian Church from its Hebrew roots;
2. There is a New Covenant through Yahooshua which is an elaboration and extension and improvement of the covenant given through Moshe {Moses} which was necessary because of the massive degeneration of mankind by the time of Yahooshua;
3. There are numerous other covenants listed in the book that are relevant – the same person had no hesitation in claiming “the blessings of Abraham” although they relate to a covenant much older than the Covenant through Moshe;
4. Yah has entered into BILLIONS of Covenants with human beings through the ages;
5. Reading ONLY the so-called New Testament, as in the case of the party concerned, is GROSS ERROR – you cannot understand Yahooshua UNLESS you understand him through the lens of the so-called Old Testament – Yahooshua was an OLD TESTAMENT emissary and spokesman (Apostle and Prophet);
6. The New Testament reads differently to the Old Testament because the original Hebrew / Aramaic manuscripts were all destroyed by the Jews and the Romans and so the New Testament is based on Greek TRANSLATIONS which are inexact and preserved only as fragments of parchment which differ among themselves to the tune of well over a thousand discrepancies;
7. The New Testament was translated through the filters imposed by the Roman Church and consolidated in the era around 600 AD when all sorts of gross errors, including the so-called “Canon of Scripture” were legislated and imposed, these filters include the lie of monogamy, the lie of the divinity of Jesus, the name Jesus, the lie of the Trinity, the lie of “the bible is the Word of God”, the name “The LORD”, etc, etc, etc – these errors persist in the Christian Church today ALL OF WHICH continues in the tradition of the Roman church, referred to in Revelation as “the great harlot” – this refers to the ENTIRE Christian Church NOT just the Roman Catholic Church – at a fundamental level there is no basic distinction;
8. The New Testament was translated from the Greek to English with no attempt to harmonize the translation with the Hebrew, so we find:
a. Mary versus Miriam;
b. Jesus versus Joshua versus Yahooshua;
c. John versus Jonathan versus Yahoochanan;
d. Cross versus stake;
e. Christ versus anointed, anointing, anointed one;
f. Paul versus Shaul;
g. Etc, etc
This creates an IMPRESSION of difference that is NOT real and which clouds people’s understanding dramatically.
9. Yahooshua clearly stated that he had come to FULFIL the Torah of Moshe NOT to change it.
Thus any argument that bases itself on Old Testament versus New Testament is gross error and quite likely to be heresy of the worst kind.
If you ARE going to read the bible, please read from Genesis to Revelation as one continuous thread taking account of the fact that the “books” of the bible are NOT in chronological order and differ from the sequence used by the Jews.
It is vital to read other writings as well. There is a large amount given by Yah and recorded with varying levels of accuracy on the two websites referenced at the end of this article. I am confident that the material on the second website is of a relatively high level of accuracy.
Yah’s interaction with mankind is huge and diverse, the Old Testament and New Testament are a single progression of account relating to Yah’s interaction with man. Any argument based on New Testament versus Old Testament is almost certainly false.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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