2012.10.04 Worship Part 1 Created by James on 1/30/2014 2:22:36 PM It has been on my heart for some time to share the details of the worship songs that I have used as my core worship resource for many years and which have assisted me to draw close to Yah.
This is the first of a series of articles with details of those songs with the lyrics, some commentary and links to copies of the song.
Worship Part 1
James Robertson
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For some time now I have felt impressed to assemble the words and links to the recorded music of the small collection of worship songs that have been central to my walk with Yah over the last nearly two decades and share them with the people on the list.
I have a collection of somewhere between 50 and 100 Praise and Worship CD’s but I keep coming back to basically the same core selection.
On several occasions I have filtered my collection in terms of doctrinal accuracy but constantly find that deep down most of the filtered collection STILL do not somehow “work”.
I have come to the point where I have a collection of fifteen songs with two others included sometimes that I consider to be suitable for day to day use and this is almost the only music or singing that I listen to.
For years I had a tape of this music in my car that I played most of the time, then I had a CD and now I have a memory stick as the technology changed but the core songs have remained largely the same with occasional additions here or there.
I have the same collection constantly playing in the bedroom when I am awake and even when I am not at home in order to create a pleasant space for our Father to come aside and rest awhile without the cacophony of flawed worship and praise that is blasting Him from every side.
The words of the songs are NOT correct in terms of the names, etc but I am so attuned to substituting these words when I sing along that I frequently hardly notice the error – Yah willing I hope to dub the correct words onto the songs in the not too distant future.
Notwithstanding the fact that I have listened to these songs literally thousands of times I am not sure that I know the words – I listen with my spirit NOT with my intellect and praise Father through those words – to me these are true Psalms, prayers sung with the spirit with deep spiritual meaning that have a huge impact on the life of the person who prays them.
I do NOT think I could have the relationship I have with Yah were it not for constantly listening to and singing along with this small collection of highly inspired and anointed songs. Accordingly, I commend these songs to you and encourage you to follow the links, download the songs and record them onto whatever medium will allow you to play them at every possible opportunity. If you want a set from me on CD by post please email me.
I would go so far as to encourage you to progressively distance yourself from almost all other music except that which is truly anointed worship such as this collection.
Remember that on the Day of Judgment you must give account for every single thought, word and deed – including what you listened to and how you fed your spirit – I have confidence that this collection of songs will stand you in good stead on THAT Day.
Yah said to me this morning that this collection embraces the most important elements of worship.
When I worship I ONLY use this collection and I play a single track numerous times as the Spirit of Yah leads me. I commend this approach for your consideration J
In the listings that follow I have listed the words of the song using my usual convention of placing the words actually used, but which are incorrect, in curly brackets and marking with strike-through e.g. {the LORD} and preceding them with the words I hold to be accurate in the sight of Yah.
Where the same incorrect word or phrase recurs I have only shown the incorrect form once and have substituted the words that I hold to be correct for all further instances.
Note that the words I substitute are not necessarily entirely technically correct translations but have been moderated to fit the music.
Where links are supplied to a version of the song on the Internet this is generally NOT the version that I use.
Note that there is software available that will allow you to download music and video from YouTube and other sites.
Software such as GoldWave from http://www.goldwave.com/ which is free audio editing software can be downloaded and which will allow you to strip the audio track off a video and save it for transferring to a CD or Memory Stick. You can also use this software to edit out portions of a recording that may be incorrect or distracting.
When downloading from the Internet be alert to songs that worship Jesus [Yahooshua] or language used around recordings that worships Jesus – this usage should be avoided at all costs and the worship directed towards Yah – if in doubt do NOT use that version of the song.
The titles of the songs are given as they are generally known with the corrected wording in square brackets when applicable.
I pray that these songs will bless you as they have blessed me.
Many of these songs are from the Vineyard CD “Psalms Volume 1”
This CD can be purchased from
1. EXALT YAHOOEH {THE LORD}* -- Vineyard Psalms 1
Exalt Yahooeh our El* {the Lord our God}
(Exalt Yahooeh our El)
And worship at His feet
(And worship at His feet)
Exalt Yahooeh our El
(Exalt Yahooeh our El)
And worship at His feet
(And worship at His feet)
For He, (for He)
Is Qodesh {holy}*
For Yahooeh our El, He is Qodesh
For Yahooeh our El, He is Qodesh
For Yahooeh our El, He is Qodesh
Yes Yahooeh our El, He is Qodesh
A version of this song is available at:
or download song from my collection
*The LORD is the most frequently used translation of the Hebrew phrase “Yahweh”, more correctly translated “Yahooeh” and most accurately translated “Yah the eternally self-existing” – for the purpose of fitting the music I find that Yahooeh is the most appropriate form to use here – “The LORD” is a literal translation of the pagan (Satanic) name, “Baal” and should be avoided at ALL times.
*El or Eli or Eloi is most accurately translated “my beloved Mighty One – as uttered by Yahooshua as he died “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani” meaning “my beloved Mighty One, My beloved Mighty one, why have you forsaken me” – El is a term of endearment reserved for those who have a deep personal relationship with Yah.
*Holy correctly translates from the Hebrew as “set-apart” but this form does not fit the music at all but “holy” is a blasphemous word – refer article 2012.11.01 and accordingly I have opted to use the Hebrew word, “Qodesh” which is the word generally translated “holy”.
In the stillness of this hour
I worship you Yahooeh {my Lord}
Crying Qodesh {Holy} is Yahooeh on high
In the quiet of my heart
I sing this song of praise
Crying Qodesh is Yahooeh on high
And for all my days
I bow down before you
Giving kabad* {glory} and esteem* {honour}
To your Name
And for all of my life*
Let me* {I will} worship and adore you
Crying Qodesh is Yahooeh on high
Following are links to two versions neither of which is as appealing to me as the version that I have:
or download the song from my collection
*Assuming that you WILL worship Yah for ALL your days is presumptuous – there is great risk of falling away – when using this song I prefer to pray in my heart and ask Father to help me to overcome to the end that I may indeed worship Him all my days.
*glory and honor have been replaced with kabad and esteem – in kabad is correctly translated both glory and honor but both of these words are blasphemous and should be avoided. Esteem is a valid English translation of kabad, in order to fit the metre of the song I have used “kabad and esteem” for “glory and honor” although in Hebrew esteem is a duplication.
3. COME AND FILL ME UP – Vineyard Psalms 1
I can feel you
flowin' thru me
Qodesh {Holy}* Spirit,
come 'n fill me up
come and fill me up
Love 'n mercy fill my senses
I am thirsty for
your presence, Yah
Come and fill me up
Yah, let your mercy wash
away all of my sin
Fill me completely with
your love once again
I need you, I want you,
I love your presence
I need you, I want you,
I love your presence
There is a version available at:
or download the song from my collection
*holy is replaced with “Qodesh” as “holy” is a blasphemous word and qodesh is the Hebrew word translated holy – refer article 2012.11.01
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Omnipotent Father* of Mercy and Grace
Thou art welcome in this place
for in Thy presence there's healing divine
No other power can save Yah, but Thine
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Thou art welcome in this place
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Omnipotent Father of Mercy and Grace
Thou art welcome in this place
Fill all the hungry and empty within
Restore us, oh Father revive us again
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
Qodesh Spirit Thou art welcome in this place
There is a version available which is very close to the version I have at:
or download the song from my collection
*Note that the Set-Apart [Qodesh] {Holy} Spirit is Yah Himself NOT some other spirit being
I am Yahooeh {the God} that Healeth thee
I am Yahooeh
Your healer
I sent My word
And I healed your disease
I am Yahooeh
Your healer
You are Yahooeh that
Healeth me
You are Yahooeh
My healer
You sent Your word
And You healed my disease
You are Yahooeh
My healer
You sent Your word
And You healed
My disease
You are Yahooeh
My healer
You sent Your word
And You healed
My disease
You are Yahooeh
My healer
There is a version at:
or download the song from my collection
Note that the commentary in this version aligns Jesus with God which is false and an abomination – Yah is the healer and Yahooshua {Jesus} is a man and anointed prophet [spokesman of Yah] who healed by the operation of the set-apart Spirit of Yah working through him.
Reference is also made to “by Christ Jesus” – the correct translation of the underlying concept is “by the anointing that was upon Yahooshua” – Christ refers to the anointing of the Spirit of Yah, it is NOT an alternative name for Yahooshua {Jesus}
The word “Crusade” is used in the commentary in some versions and is a concept that is an abomination in the sight of Yah because of the atrocities committed in the Middle Ages by Christian “Crusaders”, this word is also highly offensive to Muslim people for the same reason. For both of these reasons this word should be avoided – the word is used in the lead-in to the song.
Note also that Yah is the healer NOT Yahooshua and certainly NOT Jesus notwithstanding what is said in the commentary to some versions of this song.
HalleluYah* {Alleluia}
For Yah El Almighty reigns
For Yah El Almighty reigns
Qodesh are You Yah El Almighty
Worthy is Yahooeh {the Lamb}*
Worthy is Yahooeh
You are Qodesh
Qodesh are You Yah El Almighty
Worthy is Yahooeh
Worthy is Yahooeh
For Yah El Almighty reigns
For Yah El Almighty reigns
Qodesh are You Yah El Almighty
Worthy is Yahooeh
Worthy Yahooeh
You are Qodesh
Qodesh are You Yah El Almighty
Worthy is Yahooeh
Worthy is Yahooeh
You are Qodesh
Qodesh are You Yah El Almighty
Worthy is Yahooeh
Worthy is Yahooeh
You are Qodesh
Qodesh are You Yah El Almighty
Worthy is Yahooeh
Worthy is Yahooeh
You are Qodesh
Qodesh are You Yah El Almighty
The version that I have is by Michael W. Smith – the closest I can find on the Internet is at http://vimeo.com/29053961
There are a number of other versions available including:
or download the song from my collection
*Lord God Almighty has been replaced with “Yah El Almighty”
*The word HalleluYah means “Praise Yah” in Hebrew – Alleluia is NOT an accurate translation of this word which refers to Yah personally by His essential name
*”worthy is the lamb” has been replaced with “worthy is Yahooeh” – Yahooshua, the lamb IS worthy but he is NOT on a par with Yah and should NOT be worshipped, he is fundamentally a man, the most powerful man in existence but a man nonetheless
My total collection comprises 17 songs that I regularly use. This is the first six of that set.
The balance are listed in 2012.11.10 -- Worship Songs Part 2
The full collection is also available for download as a set at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/e5cc8fnlvwa65rl/Wm7fQe-sip
We should limit ourselves to worship songs that praise Yah alone and help us to draw closer to Him.
Anything else is vanity and a distraction – if you desire to truly draw close to Yah and serve Him faithfully to the end be very cautious about what you listen to and even MORE cautious of what you sing along with.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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